About us
Hello im Hailey the CEO of My Pawchella which started in June 2020 and we are the ORIGINAL design your own dog accessory business here in the UK out work is protected.
I am a Wife and a Mummy to two beautiful children Millie 10 and Kylo 6. I have three Cavapoo furbabies which gave me the inspiration to start my doggy business. Honey our oldest then Mango which is Honeys daughter and then come along little Sandy.
Originally i had my own photography business but due to covid i had to close for a lot of months and me being me i could not
und not doing anything creative, plus i lost my income, so i needed to turn in a different direction which lead to me closing my company and that is when My Pawchella was created.
Since then our little business has grown and grown extremely fast due to our uniqueness and creativity we have since then gone viral and have amazing opportunities to work with celebrities.
We have won awards and featured in papers. We have a massive community of suppotive dog obcessed mummas.
We are extremely lucky to now have our own dog shop My Pawchella 113 Welland road Peterborough PE1 3SJ and i have been lucky enough to employee 5 of my family members who work alone side me.
Our shop
113 Welland RoadDogsthorpe Peterborough PE1 3SJ
Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm
Saturday, by appointment
Sunday, by appointment